Ravencoin Mining Guide

Setting up your miner can seem like a scary task, but with some guidance it's a fairly straight-forward process.
This guide aims to be get you mining with a quick and simple set-up, but there are of course many different ways of doing things for advanced users.
If you'd like to dive deeper and learn more about mining in general,
you're welcome to join the Cyber Nilssen Discord to ask questions, or just to hang out and chat or play games!

-- GPU Mining --

Ravencoin is most effectively mined with your GPU.

CPU mining may be technically possible, but it is not recommended to do so since it would be extremely inefficient.
This is because GPU miners can mine the coin much more effetively, and thus inflate the mining difficulty too much for CPUs to keep up.
There are no known ASIC machines for the KAWPOW algorithm at the time of writing, so GPU mining is for sure the way to go.

Disclaimer: The programs linked in this guide are made by 3rd parties. Always be mindful of your IT security, and use at your own risk.
Mining can be heavy on your hardware. Make sure you have sufficient cooling. Norpool and/or its associates cannot be held liable for any damages.

-- Wallet --

If you need a wallet for Ravencoin, you can use the Komodo wallet.
To enable Ravencoin in the Komodo wallet, you'll need to click the "Add Crypto" button in the lower left side and search for "Ravencoin".

-- GPU Mining Setup --

* Download and extract the Wildrig miner
* Input your Ravencoin wallet address here (for the config):
To get your wallet address, open your wallet program for this coin and click "receive" -- You should see an address that looks similar to this: RDoPCfRaZ8rhGHQmXrND1RbBNgMAeXyQUA
* Input your desired worker name here (for the config):
* Copy your generated config:
* Paste into notepad, save it as a .bat file (e.g. mine-ravencoin-gpu.bat), and run the .bat file to start your miner!
Make sure your .bat file is in the same folder as your wildrig.exe file
@echo off
wildrig.exe --algo kawpow --url stratum+tcp://rvn.norpool.net:3009 --user yourWallet.yourWorker --pass x
echo ....Cancelling job....
echo Press ctrl+C again to exit.
echo Press anything else, or wait, to restart the miner.
timeout /t 5
goto loop