Hey mobile enjoyer

I'm too lazy to make the website responsive for mobile phones.
Go browse on a computer instead! It's not like you can mine on a phone so. Get a laptop or something at least!

If you *really* need to use your zoomer tech, at least try tilting it sideways so you get the wide aspect ratio.
Maybe the web page will flow alright like that.
If not....Yeah, get a computer.

To remove this message, just tap it on your screen.

Welcome to NorPool 🪙⛏️

Anonymous no-signup mining, with fully automatic payouts.
We are a crypto mining pool that leverages block chain technologies
to help you monetize your computer hardware while earning extra gaming rewards.
The gaming rewards are a work in progress, but you can already mine the listed coins
to start earning crypto rewards.

If you have a question, comment, or request to the developer, or if you want to chat with other people in the community,
you can join us in the Cyber Nilssen Discord server. We make video games, too! 🤓

Click to toggle
Reward Details

Whenever the pool solves a block, you as the miner get rewarded with coins.
The share of the coins included in your reward will depend on your mining contribution.
Norpool uses the PPLNT (Pay-Per-Last-N-Time) reward scheme to calculate your share for each block.
Put simply, the pool will average your contribution over a window of time to determine your share of the rewards.
This protects your share of the mining rewards from being "sniped" by hashrate bombers jumping in right after we solve a block.

In the future, our pool fee will also be leveraged to award you with gaming credits,
which you can spend for in-game perks in video games developed by us and our partners.

The more you mine with us, the more coins you get AND the greater your bonus gaming credits!
Now you can truly get full value from your GPU!

To begin earning with NorPool, connect your miners to our stratum servers at:


Hardware Algorithm Connection Info Pool Fee
CPU Ghostrider stratum+tcp://rtm.norpool.net:3007 1.0%

-- Click to Toggle Raptoreum Pool Stats --


Hardware Algorithm Connection Info Pool Fee
GPU KawPOW stratum+tcp://rvn.norpool.net:3009 1.0%

-- Click to Toggle Ravencoin Pool Stats --

Bitcoin Cash

Hardware Algorithm Connection Info Pool Fee
ASIC Sha256 stratum+tcp://bch.norpool.net:3011 1.5%

-- Click to Toggle Bitcoin Cash Pool Stats --

Other coins will be added as well.

Worker Stats

Miner: on

Input your receiving address and select your mining pool, 
then click the button to check how your miners are performing.
Please give the pool up to ~30 minutes to start recording your performance data after you first start minig.
Don't worry, your shares will be counted from the first moment! It just takes a moment to display here.
If you still don't see your worker stats here after 30 minutes, please reach out on our discord for support.

Additional Pools Coming soon:


Hardware Algorithm Connection Info Pool Fee
ASIC Sha256 Coming soon... 1.5%

-- Click to Toggle Bitcoin Pool Stats --


Hardware Algorithm Connection Info Pool Fee
ASIC Scrypt Coming soon... 1.5%

-- Click to Toggle Litecoin Pool Stats --


Hardware Algorithm Connection Info Pool Fee
ASIC Scrypt Coming soon... 1.5%

-- Click to Toggle Dogecoin Pool Stats --